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Lamborghini SC20

7 customer reviews



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Lamborghini SC20

Lamborghini SC20

Another day, another Lamborghini based on the Aventador. The Lamborghini SC20 is the rarest one-off model based on Aventador by Lamborghini. It has been designed at the request of a special customer for the track.  

It has the same engine as the Aventador SVJ LP770-4 which outputs 759 hp at 8500 rpm in the body of the SC20. It uses a 7-speed gearbox and reaches 0 to 100 in only 2.5 seconds. 

Considering that the SC20 is custom made and it’s only for one customer, it is not available for sale, so you have to cross out this one from your wishlist! 

Lamborghini SC20 GTA 5 Mod Features

Lamborghini SC20

A beautiful and unique car that you only get to experience in GTA 5. Enjoy!

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How to install

If you are not familiar with installing mods, read this thorough article on How to install mods.
Addon name:   gcmlambosc20



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7 reviews for Lamborghini SC20

  1. AminMF

    Please Add (Lexus LS500)

  2. AminMF

    Thank You……….

  3. abfc


  4. ymarcotte82

    Very nice rare car

  5. haruki_1002

    nice car

  6. edwardchang2021

    why can’t download in that car first ?

    • GTACarmods

      Please try again, it is fixed now

  7. edwardchang2021

    Thank you

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